Sample pages containing real content that MOs can use if they wish.

"About GS1" page example

The "About GS1" page has been developed with real content for GS1 MOs to use if they wish. This page demonstrates how content can be kept concise and presented in a highly visual way.

Download the Sketch file below to inspect design specifications for the page.


Components shown:

  1. Global navigation
  2. Breadcrumb
  3. Feature banner
  4. Text with graphic
  5. Footer

Images used on the "About GS1" sample page are available on the MO Zone.

Copy used on the “About GS1” sample page is available below:


"Get a barcode" page example

The "Get a barcode" page has been developed with real content for GS1 MOs to use if they wish.

Download the Sketch file below to inspect design specifications for the page.


Components shown:

  1. Global navigation
  2. Breadcrumb
  3. Feature banner
  4. Button
  5. Text with graphic
  6. Accordion
  7. Local navigation
  8. Footer

"GS1 Global Data Model" page example

The "GS1 Global Data Model" page has been developed using the GS1 Global Data Model core messaging and key visuals. GS1 MOs can add a dedicated “GS1 Global Data Model” page following this example or include this content on another page, making sure to follow the GS1 Global Data Model Branding Guidelines available below.


Download the Sketch file below to inspect design specifications for the page.


Images and copy used on the “GS1 Global Data Model” sample page are available on the MO Zone.

Components shown:

  1. Global navigation
  2. Breadcrumb
  3. Feature banner
  4. Button
  5. Text with graphic
  6. Carousel
  7. Footer

"GS1 50th anniversary" page example

View sample "50th Anniversary" landing page →

The "GS1 50th anniversary" page has been developed with real and example (FPO) content for GS1 MOs to use if they wish. The page includes an introductory header with a brand-compliant graphic treatment, a component that is intended to feature MO-specific photography, several blurb-type components to highlight key messaging, and a timeline component that can used to guide a visitor through key GS1 milestones. Please note that all components contain visual and content guidance, but must be adapted to and developed for local CMS and web platforms by individual GS1 MOs. GS1 MOs can add a dedicated “GS1 50th anniversary” page following this example or include this content on another page, making sure to follow the GS1 Global Branding Guidelines available below.

Timeline implementation


Images and copy used on the “GS1 50th anniversary” sample page are available on the MO Zone.

Components shown:

  1. Global navigation
  2. Breadcrumb
  3. Feature banner
  4. Button
  5. Standalone link
  6. Timeline
  7. Footer


"Online sellers" page example

The "Online sellers" page has been developed using the GS1 online sellers core messaging and key visuals. GS1 MOs can add a dedicated “online sellers” page following this example or include this content on another page.

Below is a Figma file that can be used to inspect design specifications for the page. This file can be imported into Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD. Design specifications for desktop and mobile are included in the file.


Images used on the “online sellers” sample page are available on the MO Zone.

Copy used on the “Online sellers” sample page is available below.


Components shown:

  1. Global navigation
  2. Breadcrumb
  3. Feature banner
  4. Text with graphic
  5. Brand logo showcase
  6. Feature video embed
  7. Callout banner
  8. Capabilities component
  9. CTA banner
  10. FAQ accordion
  11. Case Study feature


“2D in retail” page example

The "2D in retail" page has been developed using GS1’s 2D in retail core messaging and key visuals. GS1 MOs can add a dedicated “2D in retail” page following this example or include this content on another page.

Below is a Figma file that can be used to inspect design specifications for the page. This file can be imported into Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD. Design specifications for desktop and mobile are included in the file.