Its just is a 🍹 cocktail of what Ive read, found, comprehended and ⚗️ experimented on (can`t remember everyone in recent years, but among them were definitely Tomas Tunguz, WbD, SH, Close)

Now - in one place below (or feel free to ⬇️ download .pdf but it may be not so fruity)


Enjoy reading! 💜

⛳️ Sales KPIs

If you want to scale your sales team, grow your revenue, and beat out the competition, there’s no question you need to understand data.

<aside> 💡 All the best sales teams in the world run on data.


Unfortunately, almost all of them make the same critical mistake.

Unlike revenue, more isn’t always better when it comes to sales data.

Once you start tracking and measuring every move your team makes, you’re bound to hit analysis paralysis.

And instead of empowering your team to sell more, all those numbers and charts and just slowing them down.