
Sexpression:UK is a near-peer, student-led independent UK charity that provides Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) by running informal and comprehensive RSHE in the community, with the goal of empowering young people to make decisions about relationships and sex. Our branches work predominantly in secondary schools but have been invited to work in other locations such as youth groups, community centres, and with university groups.

We understand that we have a fundamental duty of care towards the young people we work with therefore this Safeguarding Policy (formerly known as Child Protection Policy) aims to ensure that all volunteers feel capable to preserve and promote the health and wellbeing of these young people.

The review of this policy takes place regularly over a series of meetings and consultations with volunteers for Sexpression:UK as well as professionals from external organisations. As a result of this consultative process there are continual changes to how Sexpression:UK as an organisation addresses Safeguarding when compared to the initial policy presented in 2007. Consequently, there are continual changes to how our volunteers as individuals are trained in order to reflect this policy, and annual training is compulsory for all volunteers working with young people.

We recognise that as near-peer external RSHE providers delivering discussion based participatory sessions, we are often in a unique position to recognise Child Protection issues. Our volunteers require the training and skills which provide them with the ability to become aware of situations that indicate there is an issue to be addressed, which may be through direct interaction with a young person or from indirect observation and subsequent suspicion. It is in these circumstances that individuals and Sexpression:UK have a duty of care in ensuring any concerns are addressed, and that this information is shared promptly and appropriately with our partner organisations.

The renaming of this Policy in 2021 from Child Protection Policy to Safeguarding Policy aims to underline our commitment to Safeguarding as a whole and to bring our language in line with the standard in the sector.


As defined by the Government Document ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ 2018, abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Abuse can occur in a family or an institutional or community setting by those known to them or, more rarely, by others. Abuse can also take place online. Child abuse can take many forms:

Sexpression:UK believes that concern for the general wellbeing and welfare of all young people who are in contact with our charity is of paramount importance. We believe that every child has a right to feel safe and protected from any activity which may result in them being exposed to significant harm. All our volunteers will have a duty of care, should they have concerns that a child is being exposed to physical, sexual, neglect or emotional abuse.

The purpose of this document is to explain clearly, for volunteers involved in Sexpression:UK and its affiliated branches as well as affiliated organisations, the principles of Safeguarding. It is intended to cover those issues of the utmost importance in order to ensure the following:

Although it is acknowledged that this document does not necessarily provide volunteers with the complete ability to ensure the safety of young people, it does give a forum for discussion and the sharing of skills and experiences to ensure that young people are protected to the best of their abilities, and outlines the charity’s expectations, actions and policy.
