Content Outlines

Most articles you write will come with a content outline. The content outline’s goal is to enable you to create valuable content on a subject you may not personally be an expert in

Technical Requirements

Each article should include the following, at minimum, unless stated otherwise in the content series template:

Internal Linking For SEO

  1. The more internal links you have, the better. The bare minimum is 5, but if you can add 20 internal links naturally, go for it.
  2. Necessary internal links will be provided
  3. You must naturally link to these pages in your content
  4. Never leave bare links in the articles. Anchor = URL of the article you are linking
    1. Example: if you’re linking to the article:, the hyperlinked text should read “how to wear a beanie”
  5. Always check the internal links table for opportunities.

Internal Linking For Value