This article will be the first of a series around SST. I will try to let you discover some amazing aspect of this particular solution in the serverless world.

So you start building using serverless principles, and you discover the Serverless framework. Great ! You will discover here another option, that I consider superior in multiple area, the Serverless Stack (SST). I will first introduce some basic concepts for beginners, then I will expose the main difference between the solutions. Let's dig into this!

Introducing some concepts


Serverless is "is a cloud computing execution model in which the cloud provider allocates machine resources on demand, taking care of the servers on behalf of their customers" (Wikipedia). It allow you to run backend functions or applications without managing any backend server, or containers. Each major cloud provider is providing today serverless solutions:

Basically you just define a function in a supported language, you push it to your cloud provider and voilà!, it's accessible and you don't have to deal with servers. It's the developer dream!

A very simple serverless function on AWS!

Framework for Serverless

Once you have build your first functions using serverless, you discover that the feedback loop to test something is generally longer that your local code: