Annual Percentage Yield (APY)

The price for PSWAP is unknown and will be decided by the market in the future. However, it is possible to calculate the anticipated APY using the formula below:

$R_i(t) := \text{total reward for user }i\text{ at time }t$

$\rho_i := \text{total number of tokens in pool provided by user }i$

$\phi := \text{all liquidity pools}$

$$ APY = \sum_{p \in \phi}\frac{R_i \times Price(PSWAP)}{\rho_i \times Price(p)} $$

PSWAP Distribution: The Maths


$V_i := \text{vesting coefficient, reset if liquidity was removed}$

$\tau_i := \text{total time that liquidity was provided by user } i$

$\alpha := \text{vesting coefficient weight equal to 6}$

$\prod := \text{total PSWAP rewards across 3 pairs' pools}$

$t := \text{life-time of the game in blocks}$

$\pi(t) := \text{reward for 1 pool at time }t$

$\rho_i := \text{total number of tokens in pool provided by user }i$

$L := \text{total liquidity provided across all pools in fiat units}$