Is SORA a Token?

SORA is not only a token, but also a decentralized autonomous economy (DAE): an entire ecosystem of producers, network participants and maintainers. We believe that economies should be decentralized, yet rational. The Sora Decentralized Autonomous Economy (DAE) is the world's first decentralized economy, where everyone participates to create the best world together.

What is XOR?

"XOR" token is SORA's native currency. It is similar to BTC, ETH, USD, EUR, CNY, JPY etc.

What can I do with SORA DAE app?

With SORA Token you can buy and sell products in the SORA app and receive daily votes that you can later use to support projects proposed in the SORA DAE app. The SORA app also includes a mobile wallet for XOR and users can also stay up to date on all the latest SORA news and activities. App users can also build reputation points and earn XOR tokens by voting on projects added to the SORA DAE by producers and decide which projects should be funded. The more you vote and invite others to the app, the more reputation points and XOR tokens you earn.

You can download the app in the link below: IOS:


What is the goal of SORA DAE?

The goal is to create a decentralized and rational world economic system where everyone is incentivized to participate in funding productive uses of capital that create new goods and services.

In real economies you need more units of currency at some times and less at other times, so having a fixed emission schedule leads to suboptimal outcomes that can't compete with centralized economic systems. That is why XOR has a dynamic supply of tokens for the Sora DAE; new XOR tokens are minted for successfully voted projects and unneeded XOR minted for projects will be burned.

Does SORA have a white paper?

Not yet, if the white paper is published it will be announced it in all Sora social media and telegram. We will keep you informed about the white paper.

How can I earn or get XOR token?

You can currently buy XOR on Uniswap (link) or earn it through downloading the app and participating in the voting process.

Is there a mobile wallet?

Yes, the mobile wallet is available on the link below:

