In exchange for your participation in the beta, you will receive a portion of 12,500 SD tokens. Since being an node operator requires more than just staking, we'll divide the rewards into three distinct buckets to ensure that efforts are rewarded proportionally:

Incentives Bucket SD Incentives
Rolling Beta Part 1 Setting up Node & running Validator with Stader 5500
Rolling Beta part 2 Successfully claiming rewards & executing Validator exits 5500
Community Support Top 15 NOs with the most valuable feedback and community support. 1500

<aside> ✅ Bucket 1: Setting up Node & running Validator with Stader - 5500 SD tokens


You will be qualified to receive a portion of this bucket if you are successful in registering a node in the Stader network and add validators to your node. Note: To be eligible for this reward bucket, by the end of the beta, your validator must have accrued a positive sum of rewards.

<aside> ✅ Bucket 2: Successfully claiming rewards & executing Validator exits - 5500 SD tokens


You will be qualified to receive a portion of this bucket if you successfully claim the node/validator rewards & successfully execute Validator exit.

<aside> ✅ Bucket 3: Community Support - 1500 SD tokens


Top 15 NOs with the most valuable feedback and community support in the form of text/video guides, node support tools for monitoring, creating FAQ in the form of text/video/automated tool, etc. on ETHx will be eligible to receive a portion of this bucket.

Still waiting? Join the ETHxclusives Club on Discord now!!