scene numbers Capitalize scene when used with a figure: Scene 2; Act 2, Scene 4.

But: the second scene, the third scene.

scholar, scholarship Lowercase except when used with proper names: a Mary Elizabeth Johnston Scholar, the Conservatory Dean’s Scholarship.

scholar in residence (n.), scholar-in-residence (adj.).

school board

schoolbook, schoolhouse, schoolroom

school bus

seasons Lowercase spring, summer, fall, and winter and derivatives such as springtime unless they are part of a formal name: Winter Olympic Games.

season’s greetings

semester Lowercase. She was enrolled for fall semester. The spring 2002 semester began in February.

semiannual Occurring twice a year; half-yearly; biannual.

send off (v.), sendoff (n., adj.) We plan to send off the letter as soon as possible. The class president proposed a senior sendoff event for all students.

set up (v.) To install or configure software or hardware.

setup (n., adj.) The way a computer’s hardware or software is configured.

(sic) Use (sic), which means intentionally so written, in parentheses to indicate that an error in the quoted material is being reproduced exactly. Sic is italicized but not followed by a period.

slave Use "enslaved person" or a similar variant. See bias-free language.


somebody, someone Somebody and someone take singular verbs. However, they or their are both acceptable second references: Somebody needs to drive their car to the store. Someone should tell us their version of the story. This avoids the awkward his/her construction.

special characters See formatting.

spring semester Do not capitalize.