Intro: Mike's Favorite Horde Rules

In order to share stories like these, we need a system to handle running dozens to hundreds of monsters. That's what we're talking about today.

Up front I want to give you my favorite horde rules. I'll get into the details and offer alternatives later in the video but if you watch nothing else, here's my best take on horde rules:

Why Run Hordes?

We don't want to limit our stories in D&D. While D&D often focuses on small squad combat, our stories may take us into situations where our heroes face dozens to hundreds of monsters. Instead of getting bogged down in mechanics, we want a system that lets us run as many monsters as we want and makes the characters feel like heroes as they hew through them.

D&D's mechanics shouldn't get in the way of our story. They should serve it.

There's no perfect solution. Likely DMs will find the one they like the best (or the least worst) and stick to that.

Good Horde Rules...

Other Horde Rule Options