ChaosTheory [A] US-Stormrage 10/10H 8/10M

Seeking exceptional players for Cutting Edge progression

Raid team: Ring of Peace

Raid times: Saturday & Sunday 8:00-11:00am (Central)

About us

Ring of Peace is the weekend morning raid team for ChaosTheory, a community guild with multiple Heroic and Mythic raid teams. We are a group of players looking to achieve cutting edge in Castle Nathria. Many of us have raided for a number of years and are looking to push our achievements this tier. While our group understands that real life is more important than WoW, we take progression seriously and we want to have fun doing it. We expect everyone on the Mythic roster to show up prepared, geared, and ready to progress.

What we expect from you


We aim to cultivate a tight-knit atmosphere and a fun culture. The two biggest barriers to this are a lack of preparation and being toxic. Neither will be accepted. We won't tolerate any form of hate speech, sexism, harassment, bigotry, in-fighting, gossip, or any other form of toxic behavior.


We expect every mythic raider to be proactive, showing up with an expert knowledge of their class and a deep knowledge of the fights. Review logs. Plan your cooldowns. Talk with fellow raiders to ensure success. Ask questions. Watch/read guides. You know the drill.


We expect every mythic raider to be an above-average player. This means being an expert in your class and improving on every pull. If you consistently underperform you will be subbed out. We want to help everyone improve but we can't help if you don't help yourself.
