Getting Started



API Client


Make an API Request

Replay request from History

Import from cURL

Inspect Traffic


Filtering Traffic

Save Session

View Request/Response Details

HTTP Rules (Modify Traffic)


Redirect URL (Map Local, Map Remote)

Replace Strings (Switch Hosts, API Endpoints)

Modify Headers

Modify Request Body

Modify Response Body

Modify Query Params

Modify Cookies

Modify DOM/Inject scripts

Modify User Agents

Delay Request

Cancel Rule

Organizing Rules

Import/Export Rules from File

Pause/Resume Requestly

Rule Operators

Advance Targeting

Sharing Rules

Map Local

Map Remote

Pinning Rules

GraphQL Support

Edit and Replay

Import Setting from Charles Proxy

Test URL Condition

Mock Server


Create New Mock API

Test Mock API

Pre-Configured Mocks

File Server


Create New Mock File



Configure Pages

Record Session

Save Session

Share Session

Replay Recording




How to get started with Shared Workspace

User Roles

Managing Workspace

© Requestly since 2014-Present

Requestly Dev Corner

<aside> ⚡ Simplify your frontend dev cycles 🚀 Learn how to use Requestly, documentation, tutorials, how Requestly works, etc. Install Requestly →


Requestly is an Open-Source platform with essential tooling & integrations that helps frontend developers write, test & debug their code 10x faster 🚀.

Using Requestly, you can create mock API endpoints, test, validate & override API responses, modify request & response headers, setup redirects (Map local, Map remote) and use Requestly sessions for faster debugging.

👉 Getting Started

Requestly is available as browser extension on Chrome (& All Chromium-based browsers), Firefox & Edge and as a desktop app on Mac, Windows & Linux. Most of the features are present in both platforms barring a few differences.

Browser Extension Use Requestly directly in browser as extension. Install →

Desktop App Use Requestly as standalone app. More powerful. Install →

Video Tutorials Learn how to use Requestly through list of video tutorials. Tutorials (TBD) →

How-Tos Explore what you can do with Requestly. Explore (TBD) →

👉 Using Requestly for faster development

Frontend developers often rely on backend developers (or APIs) when building their UI features. In the development workflows, Requestly can help in the following scenarios

API doesn’t exist Use Mock Server to quickly create mock endpoints in seconds.

Create Mock Endpoint →

API exists but need different response Use Modify Response Rule to serve different response for existing API endpoints.

Modify Response Body →

Hit an API on different env Use HTTP Redirect Rule to redirect a specific API endpoint to different destination.

Redirect URL →

Handle CORS Use HTTP headers rule to solve CORS Issues by manipulating CORS related Headers.

Modify HTTP Headers →

👉 Using Requestly for efficient & quality testing

Lot of frontend developToment happens in isolation but it is really important to test the changes end to end and ensure user flows aren’t broken. Frontend developers have to deal with environment complexity, not having all the data on local/staging setup, not having access to customer sites, etc. Requestly can help in the following scenarios

Testing Code Changes on live websites (Map Local) Use HTTP Redirect Rule to swap the script running on production website with your local development version and test your code changes without going through deployment cycles.

HTTP Redirect Rule →

Stress Testing of frontend code

Use Modify Response Rule to simulate bad API responses & to simulate HTTP errors like 500 status codes and test the error scenarios being handled in the code.

Modify Response →

Testing Pre-Integration Issues Use Inject Script Rule to inject your code on potential customer websites and test out all pre-integration issues.

Inject Script Rule →

Simulate Delays Use HTTP Delay Request Rule to simulate artificial delays on APIs/scripts/stylesheets and test the impact in the app.

Delay/Throttle Requests →