The latest Evocon updates and improvements coming in 2019: Factory View, updated All Stations, redesigned Settings and much more.

New feature: Factory View

Factory View is an entirely new feature in Evocon designed to take real-time production monitoring and reacting to production events to a whole new level. It enables users to get a live overview of the performance of selected stations on one screen.

Here are the most important highlights

Note: If you have any feedback or future development ideas for the Factory View open up the Support Chat from the navigation menu and let us know.

"All Stations" Renamed as "Timeline"

We renamed All Stations to Timeline, to better reflect the module and what to expect from the view. You can now find it under the Factory View module by clicking on the "Timeline" tab.

The module also received an important visual update – it now displays information on a dark background, so it would be easier for the eye and so that you could better understand how production is performing.

Updated Navigation Menu