This section allows you to set the relation of works compared to others in the same series or universe.

<aside> ⚠️ WARNING Relations should be in chronological order. Examples: Bakemonogatari (anime), Fate Stay/Night


<aside> 💡 TIP An exception to this exists should a series’ chronology be unclear, unknown, contradicting, or difficult to chronologize. In such cases, the relations are to be done in release order. If unsure, ask a mod for assistance. Examples: Bakemonogatari (LN), Higurashi


Opposite Relations

When a prequel, sequel, alternative, character, compilation, contains, source, or adaptation relation is added, the corresponding reverse relation will be automatically added to the affected entry.

<aside> ⚠️ WARNING If a work that isn't eligible to be on the website, such as a full novel, receives multiple adaptations (such as anime, manga etc.). They would be linked through the alternative relation.


Parent Relations

When updating all other relations (spin off, side story, character, summary, etc.) you have to do so from the 'parent' entry. The parent relation will then be created on the other entry as the opposite.

<aside> ⚠️ WARNING One-shots that are adapted into a proper serialization are linked through the 'alternative' relation. The source would remain 'original'


<aside> 💡 TIP An exception to this exists for Promotion Videos (PV's) and Music Videos (MV's) unless the PV/MV is the actual source, such as is the case for Black Rock Shooter.


<aside> 💡 TIP An exception to this exists for initial releases that are in support of the larger title such as in the case of Nichijou Episode 0 being listed as a side story to Nichijou since even though Episode 0 released first, it was made in support of the full TV anime.



Relations should always branch off the first publication of a series if the series has multiple formats, unless it is clear that a spin-off or adaptation is clearly branched off from a later format.