DAO Member Role Cost (USD) Cost (BANK) Cost Updated Note ERC-20 Address Completed Payme
Renato Partnership Manager 12,500
celexia DAOlationships Lead 12,500
jengajojo Project Manager 12,500
AV Guild/Media team 10,000
Marketing Guild 6,000
celexia Branded Polo + jacket 144 7920 5002.86 6 polos (7 usd each) + 6 jackets (17 usd each) 0x46b51f05eec480b3039ab2cf7fb9eda29e407ade 25/7: Pending final budget, estimate based on funds availability. Funds currently in Fiat
Renato local videographer 200 11000 3 days videographer working from 10-17. Delivers raw videos. 0x46b51f05eec480b3039ab2cf7fb9eda29e407ade

| Renato | merch (potential) | 100 | 5500 | 670.72 | pins and cards | 0x46b51f05eec480b3039ab2cf7fb9eda29e407ade | lower budget given price fluctuation / 25/7: Pending final budget, estimate based on funds availability. Funds currently in fiat | | | Gas Fees | Chain Destroyer? | 13.51 | | 888 | Crazy fees | | https://etherscan.io/tx/0x1c73de63a507062813d2f56b09a2b003e6887554f90d053786db4eac075cb048 (offramp to an exchange) | | | Total | | | 99920 | | | | | |


1 - We would need the amounts marked in yellow in advanced for payments/down payments

2 - USD/BANK 55 rate used in conversions

3- Cost updated at 65.73 BANK per USD

Use & Sources @25/7 46K BANK Advance

Bank USDC BANK Links
Received 46,000.00 699.83 46,000.00 https://etherscan.io/tx/0xd1f375a2bfc3f7ae984263db09c88ded3aa943b4759e8d78b6fa73726e6aab5c
Gas Swap 6.72 https://etherscan.io/tx/0xd1f375a2bfc3f7ae984263db09c88ded3aa943b4759e8d78b6fa73726e6aab5c
ETH EXP (Side Event) 400.00 26,292.26 https://etherscan.io/tx/0x79d3875b5c6d34075f634aa565fda6022b2f493df681926b97134c909a058a30
Eth Exp (Gas Fee) 3.35 https://etherscan.io/tx/0x79d3875b5c6d34075f634aa565fda6022b2f493df681926b97134c909a058a30
Net 289.76 19,045.83
Camera (To be Paid, estimated) 200.00 13,146.13
Net 89.76 5,899.70
Gas OnRamp 3.44 https://etherscan.io/tx/0x1c73de63a507062813d2f56b09a2b003e6887554f90d053786db4eac075cb048
Net 86.32 5,673.58
Pins (To be Paid , estimated) 10.20 670.72
Merch (To be Paid , estimated) 76.11 5,002.86
Gas Total 13.51 888.02