If you with to partially or fully refund an order, browse to your Dashboard, select Orders and view the order you wish to refund.

Full Refund

From the Order Status, select Refunded


The customer will now receive an email saying that their order has been refunded.

<aside> ❗ Note: this won't refund their payment, just inform them of the pending refund. See below for instructions on refunding the payment via Stripe.


Partial Refund

If you have received an order for more than one product and cannot fulfill part of this, instead of marking the entire order as Refunded, when viewing an order in your dashboard, scroll down to the Refund area and click the blue Refund button to start this process.


Enter an amount and optional reason on the right-hand side and click the Refund ### Manually button, then click OK to continue when you are warned this cannot be undone.


The customer will now be informed via email of their partial refund.

Refunding the Payment Via Stripe

Now you will need to login to your Stripe account and refund their payment from there e.g. https://dashboard.stripe.com/