1. @INPROCEEDINGS{pothula2020sedro, author={A. {Pothula} and M. A. {Rubel Mondol} and S. {Narasimhan} and S. M. {Islam} and D. {Park}}, booktitle={2020 Joint IEEE 10th International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob)}, title={SEDRo: A Simulated Environment for Developmental Robotics}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-2}, doi={10.1109/ICDL-EpiRob48136.2020.9278036} }, Note: SEDRo paper when explaining SEDRo environment
  2. @book{cangelosi2015developmental, title={Developmental robotics: From babies to robots}, author={Cangelosi, Angelo and Schlesinger, Matthew}, year={2015}, publisher={MIT press} }, Note: Developmental Robotics book. Can be used for many concepts mentioned in the book
  3. @inbook{devRobChap5, author = {Cangelosi, Angelo and Schlesinger, Matthew}, title = {Developmental Robotics: From babies to Robots}, year = {2015}, month = {01}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts}, chapter = {3}, pages = {81-82}, isbn = {9780262028011}, doi = {10.7551/mitpress/9320.001.0001} }, Note: SEDRo paper when explaining SEDRo environment
  4. @article{kellman1983perception, title={Perception of partly occluded objects in infancy}, author={Kellman, Philip J and Spelke, Elizabeth S}, journal={Cognitive psychology}, volume={15}, number={4}, pages={483--524}, year={1983}, publisher={Elsevier} }, Note: Can be used when referencing Unity perception. Concludes newborns might not have the ability to perceive completeness of partly occluded objects
  5. @incollection{Spelke1985, editor = {Jacques Mehler and R. Fox}, booktitle = {Neonate Cognition: Beyond the Blooming Buzzing Confusion}, pages = {89--113}, author = {Elizabeth S. Spelke}, publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum}, year = {1985}, title = {Perception of Unity, Persistence, and Identity: Thoughts on Infants' Conceptions of Objects} }, Note: when referencing human infant's development of object perception
  6. @article{Slater1990NewbornAO, title={Newborn and older infants' perception of partly occluded objects☆}, author={A. Slater and V. Morison and Marcia Somers and Anne Mattock and E. Brown and David Taylor}, journal={Infant Behavior & Development}, year={1990}, volume={13}, pages={33-49} }, Note: Can be used when referencing Unity perception and when comparing new borns and 4 month olds w.r.t unity perception
  7. @article{Leibo2018PsychlabAP, title={Psychlab: A Psychology Laboratory for Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents}, author={Joel Z. Leibo and Cyprien de Masson d'Autume and Daniel Zoran and D. Amos and C. Beattie and K. Anderson and A. Casta{\~n}eda and Manuel Sanchez and S. Green and A. Gruslys and S. Legg and Demis Hassabis and M. Botvinick}, journal={ArXiv}, year={2018}, volume={abs/1801.08116} }, Note: Psychlab paper can be used when referencing using developmental psychology experiments to evaluate learning in humans vs artificial agents
  8. @article{Hermann2017GroundedLL, title={Grounded Language Learning in a Simulated 3D World}, author={K. Hermann and Felix Hill and S. Green and F. Wang and R. Faulkner and Hubert Soyer and David Szepesvari and W. Czarnecki and Max Jaderberg and Denis Teplyashin and M. Wainwright and Chris Apps and Demis Hassabis and P. Blunsom}, journal={ArXiv}, year={2017}, volume={abs/1706.06551} }, Note: when referencing grounded language learning in artificial agents
  9. @INBOOK{HowToGrowRobotChapter1, author={M. H. {Lee}}, booktitle={How to Grow a Robot: Developing Human-Friendly, Social AI}, title={HOW TO GROW A ROBOT: DEVELOPING HUMAN-FRIENDLY, SOCIAL AI}, year={2020}, chapter = {1}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-10}, doi={} }, Note: Can use when referencing models designed after human infants, psychology based evaluations for artificial agents, staged development of agents
  10. @INBOOK{HowToGrowRobot, author={M. H. {Lee}}, booktitle={How to Grow a Robot: Developing Human-Friendly, Social AI}, title={HOW TO GROW A ROBOT: DEVELOPING HUMAN-FRIENDLY, SOCIAL AI}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-10}, doi={} }, Note: Can use when referencing models designed after human infants, psychology based evaluations for artificial agents, staged development of agents
  11. @article{Johnson1996PerceptionOO, title={Perception of object unity in young infants: The roles of motion, depth, and orientation}, author={S. Johnson and R. Aslin}, journal={Cognitive Development}, year={1996}, volume={11}, pages={161-180} }, Note: when referencing unity perception. Included evaluations that test for changes in perception with motion, depth and orientation of stimulus
  12. @article{Thompson1966HabituationAM, title={Habituation: a model phenomenon for the study of neuronal substrates of behavior.}, author={R. Thompson and W. Spencer}, journal={Psychological review}, year={1966}, volume={73 1}, pages={16-43} }, Note: when referencing habituation
  13. @article{Groves1970HabituationAD, title={Habituation: a dual-process theory.}, author={P. Groves and R. Thompson}, journal={Psychological review}, year={1970}, volume={77 5}, pages={419-50} }, Note: when referencing habituation
  14. @article{article, author = {Fennell, Christopher}, year = {2012}, month = {03}, pages = {1-16}, title = {Habituation Procedures}, isbn = {9781444331240}, journal = {Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide}, doi = {10.1002/9781444344035.ch1} }, Note: when referencing habituation
  15. @incollection{BAARS2007249, title = {Chapter 11 - Conscious Contents Provide Coherent, Global Information††“Conscious Contents Provide the Nervous System with Coherent, Global Information” by Bernard J Baars, from Consciousness and Self-Regulation – Advances in Research and Theory, Vol. 3, edited by RJ Davidson, GE Schwartz and D Shapiro, Plenum Press, New York, 1983. Reprinted with kind permission of Springer Science and Business Media.}, editor = {Hans Liljenström and Peter Århem}, booktitle = {Consciousness Transitions}, publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.}, address = {Amsterdam}, pages = {249-280}, year = {2007}, isbn = {978-0-444-52977-0}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-044452977-0/50012-7}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780444529770500127}, author = {Bernard J. Baars} }, Note: When referencing habituation
  16. @article{NehmzowUlrich, author = {Nehmzow, Ulrich and Vieira Neto, Hugo}, year = {2006}, month = {01}, pages = {}, title = {Visual Attention and Novelty Detection: Experiments with Automatic Scale Selection} }, Note: when discussing models for novelty detection. The role of the robot in the experiments is to identify what is novel in its environment.
  17. @article{HUnt1970AttentionalPA, title={Attentional Preference and Experience: III. Visual Familiarity and Looking Time.}, author={D. Greenberg and I. C. Uzgiris and J. Hunt}, journal={Journal of Genetic Psychology}, year={1970}, volume={117}, pages={123-135} }, Note: when referencing familiarity preference rather than novelty preference in very young children. Mentions that infants between the age if 0-2 months of age display familiarity preference
  18. @article{Wetherford1973DevelopmentalCI, title={Developmental changes in infant visual preferences for novelty and familiarity.}, author={M. J. Wetherford and L. Cohen}, journal={Child Development}, year={1973}, volume={44}, pages={416-424} } Note: supports hunt's view that infants first exhibit familiarity preference followed by novelty preference
  19. @article{ColomboCheatham2006, author = {Colombo, John and Cheatham, Carol}, year = {2006}, month = {02}, pages = {283-322}, title = {The emergence and basis of endogenous attention in infancy and early childhood}, volume = {34}, isbn = {9780120097340}, journal = {Advances in child development and behavior}, doi = {10.1016/S0065-2407(06)80010-8} }, Note: when referencing how attention changes with development in infants
  20. @article{sokolov1963, title={Perception and the Conditioned Reflex. By N Sokolov. Translated by Stefan W. Waydenfeld Oxford: Pergamon Press. 1963. Pp. 308. Price 80s.}, volume={111}, DOI={10.1192/bjp.111.473.372-a}, number={473}, journal={British Journal of Psychiatry}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Oswald, Ian}, year={1965}, pages={372–372} }, Note: role of conditioned reflexes in perception