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Barton and Cooper, Preventive Law and Creative Problem Solving: Multi dimensional lawyering

Blankley, Adding by Subtracting: How limited scope agreements for dispute resolution representation can increase access to attorney services

Collaborative Divorce reading list

Cox, Top Difficulty Factors Identified in Collaborative Cases

Macfarlane, The National Self-Represented Litigants Project: Identifying and Meeting the Needs of Self-Represented Litigants

Mosten, Beyond Mediation towards Peacemaking

Mosten, Client Information about Collaborative Representation

Mosten, Collaborative Divorce: What it is and how it works (chapter 2, Collaborative Divorce Handbook)

Mosten, Collaborative process road map

Mosten, Course syllabus: innovative law practice: delivering unbundled, collaborative, and preventive legal services to expand legal access

Mosten, Course syllabus: Unbundling legal services

Mosten, Ethical duty to disclose unbundling

Mosten, Institutionalizing peacemaking in society: Role of Lawyers and Conflict Resolution Professionals

Mosten, Lawyers as Peacemakers (excerpt)

Mosten, Preventing future conflict from Complete Guide to Mediation

Mosten, Principles and guidelines for collaborative practice