Startup Sequence

  1. Make sure E-stop is not triggered
  2. Turn on the Power Switch (Labeled as ALIM)
  3. Ensure the light on the Dxl board flashes
  4. Turn on the NUC Switch (On the bottom of the NUC)

Power Cycle Sequence

  1. De-power any Luos Gate connected to the USB hub (push the button on the hub)
  2. Turn the Power Switch (Labeled as ALIM) Off then back On
  3. Ensure the light on the Dxl board(s) flash
  4. Turn ON any Luos Gate connected to the USB hub (push the button on the hub)

Connect to Reachy

From ‣

To figure out which USB port the gate is connected to we run :

pyluos-usb-gate discover

You should see 3 values returned, one is for the antennas, one is for the arm, and the third is not used in our case. Usually one of the first two ttyUSB# values is the one you want.