<aside> 💡 Last updated: February 2024


Yo! Roberto here. Below is a list of all of the equipment I use for my photos and videos, along with a description of each. It’s important to note that I’m a tinkerer and a gearhead, which is why I’ve been collecting so much stuff for over 6 years… you do not need the gear I have listed below to make great content.

But everything I own I do use fairly often. Besides maybe 1-2 of the items below, not a lot of stuff sits around collecting dust.

If you’re interested in learning how to become a professional creator and grow your audience, everything you need to know is at **unsigned.app.** Scripting, lighting, design, photography, posting strategy - it’s all covered in Unsigned.


**Canon R5C -** My main camera. An absolute powerhouse of a cinema camera. I absolutely love it. The only issue with it is the battery life, so if you’re keeping it static in a studio, make sure to use a battery power adapter. This is the one I use.

**Canon R5 -** I usually keep the R5C static in the studio, but my run-n-gun and travel camera is the Canon R5. It’s also the camera I generally use for photography. Again - I can’t say enough good things about the R5. I think it’s one of the best bang-for-your-buck cameras on the market if you’re looking to do high-end work.

Camera Accessories

Canon R5C Cage - The cage I use for my Canon R5c. Very useful for attaching different components onto it, like v-mount batteries, microphones, monitors, etc.

Canon R5 Cage - Same as above, but fits the R5 or R6.
