THE GEMS (💎 x 9)

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<aside> 💎 #1: You are left with 2 major levers on the marketing side: 1. The data/event you are feeding back to the machine/algorithm 2. The creatives you are showing to users (⚠️ including the store page!). @25:00


<aside> 💎 #2: A growing trend for non-gaming apps is to have a landing page in-between the ad and the store page (even though it adds another step). @38:35


<aside> 💎 #3: It's not just about your ad CTR because if your conversion rate is low in the stores then you need to bid much higher for advertising. ASO is not enough to win, but if you don’t do it you’ll loose. @09:55


<aside> 💎 #4: Value-based optimization (VO) doesn't work very well for the subscription model (vs. apps/games with huge variance in revenue - example: players that spend a lot) because if you are selling the same subscription then LTV of users is fairly similar and value optimization becomes kind of useless. @23:10


<aside> 💎 #5: Most subscription apps optimize on “have you subscribed?” but the problem is that your conversion is hard to optimize for Facebook/Google when you have low conversion rates (like 2-3%) because it takes a while to train the AI. @24:12


<aside> 💎 #6: Optimizing on AEO for free trials is good because you manage to make event optimization work but problematic because starting a free trial doesn’t fully correlate to LTV (huge differences depending on users' age for example). @25:00


<aside> 💎 #7: If you optimize for free trials Google might start optimizing exactly for that and you might end of with users that know very well how to cancel subscriptions and bring down the trial to paid subscription conversion rate. @25:12


<aside> 💎 #8: You need to look carefully at your cohorts: don’t assume they’re all going to behave the same. @27:12


<aside> 💎 #9: We are now at a time where the goal is to unite the data and a brillant creative concept. @36:15



App Store Optimization

ASO is now a much broader thing. Today, keywords are relatively not that important:

=> Big topic is now conversion optimization through visuals (applies to everything: search, browse, advertising)