THE GEMS (💎 x 10)

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<aside> 💎 #1: The Pearson correlation coefficient formula looks heavy but can allow you to calculate the correlation between your Similar Apps traffic and UA with a fairly simple spreadsheet: 6 columns and 3 formulas. Example here. @13:06


<aside> 💎 #2: Before calculating the correlation coefficient using the Pearson correlation coefficient, you want to also visualize the data so you can remove outliers. @14:40


<aside> 💎 #3: If your correlation coefficient between UA and Similar Apps traffic is high, it means that if you increase your UA budget you can expect an increase in Similar Apps traffic. @15:58


<aside> 💎 #4: It's crucial to calculate this correlation coefficient for your top tier markets, as results can be quite different. Example here. @16:34


<aside> 💎 #5: Boost your organic traffic (organic uplift) by calculating the correlation coefficient between UA and organic in your different markets and investing where it is higher. In the gaming industry you can expect a paid install to generate between 1 to 17 organic installs. @17:26


<aside> 💎 #6: Test displaying a promo code (e.g. free code for a sword) on the first screenshot of your Google Play Store listing for increased store conversion rate and in-game performance. @18:57


<aside> 💎 #7: Use Google Play Store experiments but also analyze the Google Play Console data during the experiment and after the implementation of the winner. @21:45


<aside> 💎 #8: Using Google Play Store's data (old console or new console), you can identify high-converting keywords and leverage this to optimize your creative assets. With the new console you can even get this data per country. @35:49


<aside> 💎 #9: Using Google Play Store's data (old console) you can identify language performance: which languages bring the most buyers, best ARPPU, etc. @37:16


<aside> 💎 #10: Use your best performing keywords in your Google Ads campaign to improve ROAS. @40:08




Marek Pasieczny and Gamesture work on the games Questland and Fablehood (in soft launch).