THE GEMS (💎 x 9)

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<aside> 💎 #1: Using "scoped identifiers" from your analytics/CRM tools for internal tracking purposes will be ok. Example: Amplitude uses an Amplitude id for each user, Braze id, etc. You can also use a more "universal" identifier like email address, phone number, etc. if you collect that information. @05:08


<aside> 💎 #2: Regular "direct" deep linking for notifications and emails that get users to the right place in the app won't be affected. @08:45


<aside> 💎 #3: Deferred deep linking when you don't know who is going to click on that link and if they have the app installed or not will be less effective. You will need to rely on a probabilistic approach to get people to the right part of the app after the install or "match" with the initial link, which might be problematic in some use cases (examples). @09:33


<aside> 💎 #4: In general segmenting users based on behavior is not going to change because you'll be doing your segmentation in your analytics/CRM platform and using an internal id within your ecosystem. @14:10


<aside> 💎 #5: Geofencing is not going to be possible without getting explicit exact location targeting permissions. Example: the Burger King campaign. @14:51


<aside> 💎 #6: Challenges related to CDPs depend on your current configuration: if you're leveraging CDPs to retarget people on programmatic ad networks then you'll be highly impacted. @18:58


<aside> 💎 #7: If you have a CDP you're probably well position to adapt to the IDFA changes, as CDPs have integrations for multiple types of use cases. @19:40


<aside> 💎 #8: It's early to say how it will impact app engagement, but iOS widgets are really cool and look a lot more usable. It's been possible on Android for a long time but iOS is doing it in a nice way. @22:29


<aside> 💎 #9: Tip for IDFA consent win-back: go back to loyal users (still in the app after 2 or 3 weeks but have opted out) and ask them to reconsider. If they say yes you can deep link to the settings. @28:26



Impact of privacy/IDFA changes on retention strategies

At a high-level, it shouldn't be a huge impact: most of the tools that you are using use "scoped identifiers". The SDK in the mobile app assigns an id to a user the first time and is able to identify that user when it comes back.

However some internal tools might have been built using the IDFA, in which case the impact will be strong.