The same traits needed for outlier success are the same traits that increase the odds of failure… So be careful blindly praising successes or criticizing failures, as they often made similar decisions with slightly different levels of luck.


Avoid boring people.

Jim Watson

...people hold on to these images: father, mother, husband, wife, again for the same reason: ’cause they seem to provide some firm ground. But there’s no wife there. What does that mean, a wife? A husband? A son? A baby holds your hands and then suddenly there’s this huge man lifting you off the ground, and then he’s gone. Where’s that son?

My Dinner with Andre

The oak sleeps in the acorn The giant sequoia tree sleeps in its tiny seed The bird waits in the egg God waits for his unfoldment in man

Funkadelic, Good Thoughts, Bad Thoughts

Free your mind and your ass will follow

Funkadelic, Good Thoughts, Bad Thoughts

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with


Instead of defaulting into the low-quality obsessions that leave us wondering where the time has gone, we should cultivate high-quality hobbies that lead to lasting satisfaction.