1. The overall software quality processes that apply to your system ~ Jimmy
  2. The key elements of the system’s continuous integration processes ~ Eric
  3. The rigor of the test processes and the role of test coverage ~ Eric
  4. Hotspot components from the past (previously changed a lot) and the future (needed for a roadmap) ~ Gijs
  5. The code quality, with a focus on hotspot components ~ Gijs
  6. The quality culture, as evidenced in actual discussions and tests taking place in architecturally significant feature and pull requests (identify and analyze at least 10 such issues and 10 such pull requests) ~ Jimmy
  7. An assessment of technical debt present in the system ~ Jimmy

Software Quality Processes [Jimmy]

Briefly list the main software quality processes that apply to RustPython

What is quality assurance? Quality assurance is a collection of processes put in place to ensure that system continues to meet pre-set quality objectives.

Why RustPython should guarantee quality? Eventually, RustPython should always perform well and guarantee quality because programs may depend on it. Changes in RustPython should be backwards compatible with older versions. As of now, RustPython is still very much in development which means that the currently implemented functionalities should assure quality by being thoroughly tested.

The software quality processes that apply to RustPython:

Code of conduct