The primary intended audience of this article is any QA Engineer at Cantilever. However, Project Managers may also find it useful since it provides an insight into what QA Engineers do for (and expect from) the rest of their team when performing a QA test.

QA Engineer Tools

The basic set of tools for every QA Engineer at Cantilever includes:

Types of Tests

You will always run one of two types of browser tests in a QA pass:

Optional Testing Requested:

Running QA Tests and Reporting Issues

Naming/Labeling Issues

A Word on Re-Testing (Fixed) Issues

Accessibility Audits

Accessibility audits are different from but related to QA tests. The purpose of an audit is to find areas where a site or feature is not in compliance with WCAG standards (WCAG AA is typically considered the threshold for "ADA Compliant"). The QA engineer may make recommendations to improve or fix these issues.

There are two different kinds of Audits: