Report debt during code reviews.

You rarely have time to action all the feedback surfaced during code reviews. Don't let the good ideas disappear — save them in Stepsize as debt reports instead.

And just like reports sent from your editor, you and your teammates will see annotations right alongside the relevant code in your editors to benefit from this extra context while you work.

Supported products

We currently support GitHub (Cloud) and Bitbucket (Cloud).

Need support for another product? Let us know by submitting a feature request here.

Installing the integrations

Visit this page for GitHub and this page for Bitbucket and follow the steps outlined there.

Using the integrations

Simply mention [stepsize] in a comment to report some debt. Check out this example:

Implement awesome feature ABC by nomeyer · Pull Request #1 · Stepsize/github-integration-demo

<aside> 🔐 Your code won't leave your machine Stepsize works by building links to your code. We don't upload the code itself. Find out more about this in our Infosec documents.


What are debt reports?

Gain a better understanding of how debt reports fit in with the rest of Stepsize:

Tech debt reports

Did we miss something? Do you have any questions? Reach us at [email protected].