Anyone can publish a blog. We really encourage anyone in the community to publish something. No one has to "check" or "sign off" on the blog as long as it's of general relevance to our community. Some popular types of pieces are:

  1. Go to the main menu, and on the left-hand panel, select “Blog”
  2. Select “Create New Post” in the top right hand side
  3. Start typing! Create catchy titles, brilliant text and make use of the photos, galleries, videos or dividers (icons at the bottom of the page), to make the blog itself more attractive and colourful. Every blog does at least one picture
  4. When you’re finished, click in the top right
  5. Then select “Categories” and select both:
  6. What type of post (Blog, Interview or Event Recap)
  7. Your Hub
  8. If you’re Hub has not published a piece yet, “Create New Category” and create your own Hub category. Remember to click save
  9. Once you’re happy with your blog, just click on “Publish” on the bottom right and hey presto, it’s ready to go! You can go back and edit the blog at any time you want
  10. Remember to tweet out any of your blogs from your Hub Twitter accounts too! We’ll make the best ones that month our blog of the month for our community-wide newsletter