List of Published Writing Till Date

Contributions for A Junior VC

Startup Stats - A Junior VC

Can LEAD School Lead Indian EdTech with Its Long Game? - A Junior VC

Can BankOpen Open Up Banking for Indian SMEs? - A Junior VC

Can ElasticRun Lay the Tracks for Indian E-Commerce? - A Junior VC

Can DeHaat Plant the Seeds of India's Agritech Revolution? - A Junior VC

Can Upstarts Disrupt Indian Consumer Giants? - A Junior VC

Writing on Medium

Studio Reflection: Probing into Services, Systems and Infrastructures

What I did and learnt from my ten-day "Sprinternship" at Uncommon

Do the benefits of artificial intelligence outweigh the risks?

Notable writing elsewhere

Have you ever had a time where your assumptions about your users were proven wrong? | Product Hunt

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