These are first-draft content. They represent an in-between work.

I write my private notes on Bear.

After that I elaborate my ideas in a more structured way, and I publish them in This notebook.

Further thinking goes on those concepts that become part of a product, an article or a newsletter.

I work on many different topics at the same time, but I keep track on what I’m focused Now.

I publish these notes for 3 reasons.

  1. I want to Generate more ideas. The structure with the backlinks (under the title of every note) and no Navigation, is a good help in that direction.
  2. I want to test the concept of building in public. I like when others do. And it seems to increase the interest of the audience on the final result. I want to test this assumption.
  3. The Greeks proved beyond doubt that ideas improve with debates. So I hope you will share with me your point of view on these notes. You can always reach me here:

Due to this, I also use these notes for my interactions on Twitter. I hope you will reach me there to discuss these ideas.

Keep in mind that on This notebook there’s no publish button. Whatever I write, goes straight online.

Did you find a note incomplete or unclear? Maybe I’m still working on it. Or I in the first place don’t have complete clarity on the topic.