Proposal to start an ecosystem of mobile, tablet and wearable applications for the DAO.

Title: BanklessDAO Mobile App

Authors: @0xNSHuman

Squad: @0xNSHuman (Champion), addamsson#7663.

Date Created: 9/03/2021

Date Posted: 9/25/2021

DELIVERY UPDATE — 2021-12-04

As of December 4th, the Mobile App is substantially complete and submitted for Beta distribution. Please refer to the following video demonstrating the current state of the product on actual iPhone device.

Mobile App v1 implementation

Mobile App v1 implementation

This initial version includes features and user experience around content produced by Bankless DAO and Bankless HQ, as well as Bankless Academy interactive courses and member info such as BANK balance and POAPs collection.

Most of the content delivery is powered by Content Gateway.

bDAO Mobile App v1 Beta 1@2x.jpg

Additionally, we have mobile interface for Bounty Board hunters (users who claim and submit bounties to earn BANK) substantially complete and ready for integration with the upcoming Bounty Board API.