
This API returns a list of smart contracts in blockchain with number of potential power users (wallets), interacted with them.

Power users are defined as users, who are similar in user-action space to power users of given smart contract.


to be defined later


to be defined later


Request structure in JSON format:

	"method" : "getcontractsbylookalike",
	"params" : {
		"SmartContract" : (string) /* required */
		"InteractionDaysNum" : [7, 14, 28, 56, 84]
		"MinimumPowerUsers" : (long)
		"ExcludeSmartContracts" : [(string), ]
		"ExcludeWallets" : [(string),]
Parameter Type Description Required
SmartContract string Adress of smart contract to analyze for power users and to find similar users in whole network yes
InteractionDaysNum long Period to search for interactions of potential power users with other smart contracts no
MinimumPowerUsers long Threshold for excluding smart contract from result. If other smart contract has less than MinimumPowerUsers potential power users interacted with it, these smart contract would be excluded from results no
ExcludeSmartContracts array of strings Smart contracts to be forcely excluded from the analysis
Might be usefull to remove some known information from report to minimize it’s size no
ExcludeWallets array of strings Users (wallets) to be forcely excluded from analysis
Might be usefull to exclude some abnormal users from being analyzed as power users (test account, known outliers etc.) no


Response structure in JSON format:

		"Entries" : [(Entry), ]

Result structure

Parameter Type Description
Entries array of Entry Array of resulted entries

Entry structure

Parameter Type Description
SmartContract string SmartContract, which is not one, that given as input parameters to API request
NumberOfPotentialPowerUsers long Number of potential power users, who were found in network and interacted with smart contract in this entry during InteractionDaysNum period of days