We work on cryptography and protocol design heavy projects.

We have three lines of work: Protocols, Research, Products.


Improve Data onboarding pipeline

Synthetic PoRep

Non Interactive PoRep

Storage Utilization

Storage Market Programmability

Make Filecoin easy to program with better standards and programmable storage markets features

Filecoin storage/data programmability

FVM Capabilities & Standards

Enabling Filecoin Client Data Usage

Cross-Chain Interoperability

Export Filecoin storage to other Web3 systems, making it useful from anywhere.

Filecoin cross-chain interoperability

Economic Stability & Robustness

Pledge Collateral Scarcity

Reduce pledge collateral requirements when tokens are hard to lease.

Pledge Collateral Shortfall

Network value capture

Align Filecoin network fees with value provided to participants.