Pre-Read: Read this before you begin!

For this project, we will have high-level project instructions in the first section of this spec. If you find yourself confused about how to implement a specific step, there are more detailed instructions/hints at the bottom that you can reference, however try to tackle each step yourselves first before referencing the hints!

If you're having gem install issues, please reach out on Piazza for help.

Additionally, please make sure you consistently keep your repo up to date. In order to sync your repository with ours, run this command in your terminal every once in a while.

git remote add starter <>
git pull starter master


A Gem is a library of code that somebody else wrote that we use in our project. We haven't discussed these in class yet, but this project is going to use a very common gem called "Devise". Devise implements login and signup for us. You won't have to interact with this gem directly, but you might notice some bits of code that you don't recognize. We'll be talking about how Devise works on Week 8.

Project Overview

Throughout this project you will be creating a PokePortal, a mysterious realm where you will be able to: