Talk is Cheap, Show me code - Linus Torvalds

Persistence is the true gift, 꾸준함이 재능이다


About Me

Hello, I’m Yoojin Shin. The notes on this blog are to keep my progress and records of self-teaching programming and math problems as a CS major student. I finish my undergraduate at the University of Utah in Psychology, Communication and Data Science, Computer Science at Hanyang University, Seoul. Following my curiosity about how people’s cognition changes during the interaction (interaction between both human-human and human-AIs), I’m highly interested in how language impacts our cognition as well as how the process of learning progresses inside the human brain. I believe the human brain not only takes information solely from texts, but also audio and video that detects subtle changes in tone, and pitch in human voice as well as subtle changes in facial expressions and gestures. I am highly interested in implementing human-like reasoning AI that naturally interacts with people. To implement such tasks, multimodal NLP is necessary which is my main research interest.

You can also find me here:

<aside> 📒 Getting Started


Guides & Processes

Basics in Computer Science

Advanced Algorithms


Accessories Usage


<aside> 👩🏻‍🏫 Lectures


Microsoft 강의


Machine Learning

CS224N Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning (2021,2023)