
Club Overview

"We do a little coding"

If you like to code, or want to learn, this is the place for you! You can read about our activities below. Join our Discord server at https://discord.gg/6EtcRdC!


Club Projects

Competitive Programming

Throughout the year we will brainstorm project ideas and decide which ones to do as a club. Projects will be open for contributions from all members in the form of GitHub pull requests. We like to explore new technologies and the projects usually result in us learning something new.

Past club projects can be viewed on GitHub. They're usually under one of a few accounts: mattfbacon or BranhamProgrammingClub

Many CS Club members have participated in various programming competitions and can share information with you about them. Additionally, you will get reminders for all of the major competitions through the Discord server.


Along with competitive programming we participate in Hackathons as they come, and give reminders for them as well.

💻 Board and Advisor 💻

📋 Meeting Schedule 📋

The meeting time for the 2023/2024 school year is after school from 3:05 to 3:55 every Thursday B Day in room J205, where we go over club announcements and assign tasks for club projects.

Interested in Joining?
