Getting Started

To install the Bounty snippet on the products page head over to “User Experience” on your Bounty dashboard. Activate the widget.


In your Shopify store navigate to the product you wish to add the snippet to and edit the code.


Find the the product template file. This is usually called “main-product.liquid”

Paste the code snippet into your product template where you want the Bounty pop up explainer to display. We recommend adding the widget underneath the "add to cart" button.

<div data-widget-host="bounty"></div>


Save your changes and check to make sure the widget is displaying where you want it on your product page.

Screen Shot 2022-04-04 at 8.50.57 PM.png

Now you are all set up with Bounty on your product page and ready to start collecting TikTok creator leads with Bounty!

Advanced: manually install & render in custom spot.

In this method of installation we will manually install the script tag for the product page and render into a custom selector on the page.

For example, let’s say we wanted to render under a class on the page called “free_shipping_text”. The selector would be .free_shipping_text