
<aside> 💡 The collaboration Hub for your DAO’s development needs


Web3 teams, building the decentralized future, currently have to rely on web2 tools and platforms for their projects. Enter Radicle. The Radicle platform allows teams to truly own their data, removing their dependency on large tech to host their code on centralized platforms.

By building on top of a decentralized protocol layer, the Radical Upstream tool allows users to effectively collaborate on projects while maintaining complete ownership. The underlying protocol, while being the primary engine behind the Radicle ecosystem, does not provide explicit value for the teams. That’s where Upstream comes in.

Upstream is the utility layer on top of the protocol that will allow teams to effectively collaborate on their projects. Together with the Drips network, Upstream will be able to offer decentralized teams a suitable product suite that solves web3 native team’s unique needs in ways that align with their core philosophies.


Competitive Landscape

Strategic Priorities

Phase 1: Provide utility for code collaboration

Primary metric: # of active projects

During the initial phase of our product, our main goal is to ensure that we provide enough utility for teams to begin utilizing Radicle as their primary code collaboration platform. Currently, most teams use either GitHub or GitLab. Our goal at this stage should be to incrementally build features so teams can progressively move away from these centralized platforms.

As we have a good understanding of how teams use these tools, our goal should be to sprint as fast as possible towards feature-parity. The main metric we’ll want to focus on at this stage is # of active projects that are on Radicle.

Our strategy at this stage is fairly straightforward:

  1. Release MVP to initial set of DAOs

    MVP Launch

  2. Gather feedback on how to make Radicle more useful

  3. Build features that will allow teams to comfortably use Radicle

  4. Repeat 2-3