<aside> ℹ️ 面向 Pro 用户



轻芒杂志 3.0,为少数认真阅读的人设计

轻芒杂志 3.0 整合了轻芒的两款阅读产品——轻芒杂志和轻芒阅读,不仅保持了高品质兴趣杂志的编辑模式和阅读体验,和独创的马克功能;还全新支持了订阅任意公众号和 RSS、订阅模式浏览等一系列阅读器产品的能力,是一款在中文世界里可以「订阅一切,马克一切」的阅读产品。


一个可以订阅任意公众号和 RSS 的阅读器。

相对于过去的轻芒阅读,新版轻芒杂志此次最大的升级就是支持订阅任意公众号和 RSS,不再需要向我们申请,直接订阅就可以。订阅,意味着你可以在轻芒内用最愉悦的方式来消费自己热爱的内容品牌。

我们在订阅模式中为注重效率的重度内容爱好者了一些在其它 RSS 阅读器中常见的功能 (分类、批量标记已读未读、按照时间或阅读偏好排序订阅更新……等等),但又不希望像一些其它产品一样为了不常见的场景将整个产品设计得过于复杂。过去轻芒阅读的大部分功能,也完整保留和增强。

一本覆盖了 40 多个兴趣的高品质杂志。




你在轻芒杂志里订阅的任何东西,包括来自公众号和 RSS 的文章都可以边阅读边马克——一篇文章,一段文字,或者是一张图片。马克笔记功能和传统阅读器结合,和大部分 RSS 阅读器相比是一个巨大的创新。在轻芒外看到的文章,也可以发送到轻芒保存、阅读、马克。


在轻芒杂志 3.0 里,我们加入了关注人的功能,希望好内容可以通过马克,在认真阅读的人里流通起来。你可以在这里看到我们邀请来的「先锋读者」或者你的朋友在轻芒不断推荐、点评、马克高品质内容,以此发现新的惊喜。




因此,我们把主动订阅功能放进了轻芒杂志 Pro,并且设计成了邀请制,你可以在产品里输入邀请码解锁使用,包括订阅任意公众号和 RSS,分类浏览订阅、使用订阅模式浏览等功能。也希望通过邀请制,熟练掌握主动订阅的人能「伸出援手」,在分享邀请码给朋友时,告诉他们订阅产品的运行机制,把你压箱底的订阅分享给他们,帮助他们上手主动订阅。



另一件众所周知的事情是,保证订阅稳定快速更新是一件非常消耗资源的事,而轻芒又小又穷……所以和其他免费在线阅读器产品一样,轻芒杂志 Pro 也有订阅数量的限制:每一位解锁 Pro 的用户都可以订阅 30个公众号和 RSS。

30 个是从数据来看能满足 80% 订阅需求的数字,但 30 个不够怎么办?从解锁 Pro 那一刻开始,你还将获得 10 天后过期的「无敌猫罐头」。这是轻芒杂志里的至尊权利——拥有了无敌猫罐头,你就可以不受限制随便订阅了。七天后如果你真的需要日常订阅 30 个以上,可以通过付费,或是邀请更多阅读爱好者,免费获得更多「无敌猫罐头」,延长你的无限订阅的时长。

成为轻芒杂志 3.0 的先锋读者!

除了订阅一切,轻芒杂志 3.0 另一大更新就是可以关注一个人,看到他的马克。我们当然不认为轻芒杂志是一个社交产品,阅读的目的不是认识人,但人和人的关系在阅读文章过程中是会起到很重要的作用的。

在轻芒杂志 3.0 里目前仅有一类用户可以被所有人关注——先锋读者,他们是轻芒唯一认证用户。


每一位轻芒用户都可以申请成为先锋读者,把你们的阅读积累分享给所有人,我们会非常严格地进行筛选,通过后你的马克就会出现在广场里了。当然,我们也会不断寻找这样的阅读者,邀请他们来成为先锋读者 ,在轻芒里阅读和马克。当然,即使没有成为先锋读者,你也可以通过把邀请码分享给朋友的方式,邀请他在轻芒杂志里关注你,建立你的阅读圈子。

作为不成敬意的回报,我们也会给先锋读者直接解锁轻芒杂志 Pro 以及足够的无敌猫罐头,每一位先锋读者都可以在轻芒杂志 3.0 里无限订阅。



ReadMark: It's for the few who take reading seriously.

An RSS reader that is markable

If you are someone like us who takes reading seriously, who enjoys the content from RSS readers and also wants to jot down your precious thoughts while reading, this app is for you.

Meet ReadMark, an RSS reader that is... markable.

Besides essential features that every other RSS readers and read-later services offer, ReadMark uniquely provides you a smooth and distraction-free note taking experience, "Mark". In any article you find through RSS feeds or saved to ReadMark, whether you are inspired by a sentence or an image, just tap and hold, ta-da, it's marked. Say goodbye to careful handling of text selection lollipops and magnifiers, you won't miss them after you start to use this marking experience.

You can also add inline notes with texts and images in articles. ReadMark allows you to easily collect insights and express your thoughts without breaking the flow.

If you want a holistic view of all your marks and notes, you can also organize them via a built-in notebook. You can also sync marks seamless to your favorite note-taking apps such as Notion, Evernote and OneNote.

With ReadMark, you no longer need to have reader apps and note-taking apps side-by-side, no longer need to toggle between them and interrupt your flow state caused by cumbersome interactions. You can simply focus on reading and taking highlights and personal notes to grow and internalize the information.

ReadMark is now available on both App Store and Google Play.


An RSS reader that is markable

If you are someone like us who take reading seriously, who enjoys the content from RSS readers and also want to jot down your precious thoughts while reading, this app is for you.

Meet ReadMark, an RSS reader that is markable.

With ReadMark, you no longer need to have reader apps and note-taking apps side-by-side, no longer need to toggle between them and interrupt your flow state caused by cumbersome interactions. You can simply focus on reading and taking highlights and personal notes to grow and internalize the information.

Besides essential features that every other RSS readers and read-later services offer, ReadMark uniquely provides you a smooth and distraction-free note taking experience, "Mark". In any article you find through RSS feeds or saved to ReadMark, whether you are inspired by a sentence or an image, just tap and hold, ta-da, it's marked. Say goodbye to careful handling of text selection lollipops and magnifiers, you won't miss them after you start to use this marking experience.

You can also add inline notes with texts and images in articles. ReadMark allows you to easily collect insights and express your thoughts without breaking the flow.

If you want a holistic view of all you marks and notes, you can also organize them via a built-in notebook. You can also sync marks seamless to your favorite note-taking apps such as Notion, Evernote and OneNote.

ReadMark is currently in public beta on both iOS and Android. We have dozens of features planned for the new future, and we need your input to help us prioritize. Join us now for early access.


ReadMark - Designed for the few who take reading seriously.

An RSS reader that is markable

It's for the few who take reading seriously. We love RSS readers. We also love notes taking. We believe taking notes is a key step for growing personal knowledge.

It's for the few who take reading seriously. We love RSS readers. We also love notes taking. We believe taking notes is a key step for growing personal knowledge. But we are bored of keeping reader apps and notes taking apps side by side for years. It's time to bring them together.

Meet ReadMark, an RSS reader that is… markable.

Beyond essential features that every other RSS readers and read-later services offer, ReadMark has an innovative and distraction-free note taking experience. We call it “Mark”. An article, a sentence, an image… just tap and hold, “ding!”, it’s marked. Say goodbye to careful handling of text selection lollipops and magnifiers, you won’t miss them after you get used to our marking experience.

With ReadMark, you could easily collect insights, facts, thoughts… all without breaking your reading flow. You could also add inline notes with text and images in articles.

We have a built-in view for managing all your marks and notes, and you could also sync marks seamlessly to your favorite notes apps like Notion, Roam Research, Readwise, Evernote and OneNote (*).

ReadMark is currently in closed beta on both iOS and Android. We have dozens of features planned for the near future, and we need your input to help us prioritizing. Join us now for early access.

(*) Coming soon.


Read: Everything you care in one place

Just like every other RSS reader, subscribe to everything on the open web that you care about in one single app. With ReadMark, you can even get a prioritized, beautiful magazine-like view that matters to you, based on you reading habits.

Mark: A marker pen that always at your hand

An innovative and simple note taking experience that we called "Mark". An article, a sentence, or an image... just tap, and "ding!", it's done. Say goodbye to required careful handling of the text selection lollipop and magnifiers. You won't miss them after you get used to our mark experience. You could also add inline notes in articles.

ReadMark is currently in closed beta on both iOS and Android. We have dozens of features in the works, and we need your feedbacks to make ReadMark better. Join us today.