KPI January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 All Time
Total Users 4452 4823 5109 5225
Monthly User Acquisition 249 389 319
% Acquisition via Referrals 21.69% 16.97% 16.93% 24.44%
User Demographics (Total unique countries) - - - 119
Bounce Rate (without Google) 37% 39% 44% 38%
Bounce Rate (all channels) 79% 78% 76% 54%
Cost per Acquisition £29.19 £17.43 £23.26 £22.86
Unique visitors 2.2K 4.4K 3.9K 28.6K
Traffic 6.1K 10.2K 8.6K 101K
CTR 13.65% 13.02% 13.08% 12.66%
CPC £0.88 £1.07 £1.15 £0.67

Reference cases - We do not currently have an active customer reference programme

Session duration - We do not track user sessions as it goes against our Privacy Policy

Something to note about the Google Adwords campaigns: they are currently running on free money from Google. They are optimised towards click generation rather than conversion optimisation. This is because we do not have any google tracking set up on our interfaces. Hence we can not track conversions coming from our Google AdWords campaigns nor can we set up the ad optimisation towards abetter targeting. Our campaigns are currently generating a lot of clicks, so the CTR looks great, however the people targeted are not necessarily optimised towards out company so the bounce rate from the google campaigns is very high and so is the CPA.

Bounce Rate: Because of the high amount of traffic we are receiving from our Google Adwords campaigns, the bounce rates tends to be quite high when


Acquisition data 2022 - Sheet7 (1).pdf