This is a summary for the smartest takes on Product Management that matter. Loaded with articles, videos, podcasts, and more. This manual is an updated work from the Product Manual.


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The Story Behind the Product Manual 2.0

The Product manual 2.0 is a continuation of the Product Manual Project done by Arthur Allamand, Yang Li, and Lucas Steuperaert. I started this project one year ago, while I was reading some of the content included in this manual, I had the realization of the potential for creating a data base where you can find all the articles filtered, Summarized and researchable. But, it was not a good enough reason until one day I went back to check something and I was surprised to learn that the article got taken down. This fear of missing out made me start this project.

Nonetheless, I have also noticed that the old manual was missing lots of the Articles, guides and it was time update the content on it. And, that’s how I begun the journey of Product Manual 2.0. At the end, I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed building it.

Mohammad Khalaf.