Creative Passport Boilerplate

Founded by musicians for musicians, The Creative Passport is a free verified digital ID built for music makers, where they can access, update and manage information about themselves and their works, and share it with others. By integrating with other music services, platforms and organisations, it ensures that every place an artist’s work shows up, so do they. Powered by digital ID platform Yoti, data can be shared both via a public page and privately.

Founded by music makers for music makers, The Creative Passport is a free verified digital ID built for music makers, where they can access, update and manage information about themselves and their works, and share it with others. By integrating with other music services, platforms and organisations, it ensures that every place an artist’s work shows up, so do they. Data can be shared both via a public page and privately. With huge growth potential music makers are empowered to connect the dots for existing and future music services.



The only source of validated information about music makers - for artists, music services, representatives, institutions and brands.


The best, the fastest and the easiest way to get your profile information as an artist validated and linked to others. Why should you care? Because think of all of the creative and commercial opportunities you are missing out on as a result of people not knowing who are, what you’ve achieved and where you’re based.

Connecting your digital ID to an online tool that manages all of your personal data at the touch of a button. What could be simpler?

My Passport

The Creative Passport is a personalised ID which has been specially created for each music maker. It holds all information relevant to you and to your career and makes it accessible to others who have signed up to the service. Unlike other platforms, the data is 100% verified by you, ensuring that every piece of information is correct. It will be the music maker’s one unique login to music services. It also allows you to plug into other artists and music-related services, creating new ways of working together and new business opportunities that cannot be accessed anywhere else as quickly or as easily.

My Profile

By simply entering in information about yourself as a music maker, within seconds you will have all of your data, verified, in one place. It doesn’t matter how you input your data as it will automatically be standardized, enabling a much smoother interaction between you, music services, and the broader industry. Personalise your public music maker profile by choosing from a range of different templates.

My Gateway

We know that connecting to other music makers is important to you, so we have created an interactive map that allows you to do just that. Providing that other music makers make their location public, you will be able to see, in real time, new artists signing up to the Creative Passport.The map also allows you to search for other music makers and to find out more information about them based on their public profile.

My Tech

The first step in signing up to the Creative Passport is to create an account which will open up a profile that you can then populate. This will include the following categories: Profile Information, Your ID, Personal Metadata, Contacts and Team, Awards and Nominations, Music, Collaborations, Live Performances, Public Appearances, Charities and Sponsors.

To make this as easy as possible, you will be able to pre-populate some categories using existing open and free data sources. This will also allow you to update and correct any pre-populated data in your personal profile.

Once you have completed this step, you can then link your Creative Passport to an approved government ID via YOTI - a digital identity solution - which you will need to download in order to verify your credentials. A second verification provided by your representatives has been set up on a specially created representatives portal. This uses a two-factor authentication process which, once complete, sends you an email asking you to verify that your profile is correct. We will also be offering a third verification option using 2p2 QR code scanning which will allow you as music makers to scan each other’s QR codes and define how you want to be connected. Options will include a. I know this person b. I collaborated with this person.