— return to an unfinished project and button it up. — improve yourself, and watch the world improve along with you. — find your voice and use it. — remember that you owe it to yourself to heal. — be open to other perspectives. — make one promise to yourself every day and keep it. — when you feel intense, stay present. — be kind, you're trying your best. — speak your truth: baggage gets heavy. — resist the urge to make it about you. — go within and get to know yourself. — patterns repeat themselves, stop being surprised by them. — chaos is inevitable, how you handle it matters. — lead with kindness. — there’s power in raw honesty. — you are stronger than your fear. — give yourself permission to slow down. — remember that change provides you opportunity. — feelings are not facts. — practice mindfulness when you can. — confidence comes from trusting yourself. — you are on the right path.

— choose hope over fear. — have confidence in the things you can control, let go of what you cannot. — know that you are making a difference in the world simply by being in it. — it’s a good day to try something new. — the only way to self-discovery is trial and error. — honor your emotions, they are valid. — don’t let the fear of failing stop you from trying. — ask yourself what’s holding you back. — give yourself the space to grow and learn. — trust that you are on the right path. — set high standards for yourself and work meticulously towards each goal you set. — you did not wake up this morning to be mediocre. — you are enough. — doubt kills more dreams than failure. — if the process doesn't work, don't be afraid to change it. — letting go is different than giving up. — you are right where you need to be. — life doesn't happen to you, it comes from you. — let your thoughts become your reality. — don't confuse happiness with complacency. — your imagination is defined by what's outside of it. — know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. — dig deep within yourself to conquer your fears.

— today is your day to let go of things that no longer serve you. — forgive yourself and the situation to move forward. — never forget to love yourself. — always believe in yourself. You are braver than you think. — use your natural curiosity to feed your sense of individuality. — set goals that excite you and scare you. You will crush them. — if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you. — life is about creating yourself. — the happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. — sometimes later becomes never. Do it NOW. — your limitation is only in your imagination. — it is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. — you are loved and will always be loved. — it is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy that makes happiness. — the more appreciative I am, the more beauty I see. — always remember, your focus determines your reality. — it is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. — it is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy that makes happiness. — Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. — Live for the moment. Be present in what's now. — Happiness is a choice. I choose happiness. — I have no worries. I have no doubts. — Everything I need comes to me at the right time in every situation. — Know yourself, know your worth. — I am healing from all of my past pain and trauma.

— No matter what, remain calm in all situations to see the light. — I can overcome any challenge. — I am grounded, peaceful and centered. — less talking, more listening. — today, I choose to focus on me. — my intuition will never lead me astray. — My mind is calm and my soul is at peace. — Breathe... nothing is ever bad as it seems. — You are a fighter. You are a survivor. You are a warrior. — Today is a new day and I am destined for greatness in life. — I have such a bright future. — You have the power to say "no" to anything that doesn't serve who you are. — I will not let my past define who I am and who I will be. — I am capable of whatever I set my mind to do. — nothing is impossible. — I know tomorrow is not promised, so I live for today. — I matter. I am allowed to say “no” to others and “yes” to myself. — No one can make me feel inferior. — I do not bow to my fears. — Positivity is a choice; I choose to be positive. — I was not made to give up. — I can do this. — I’m getting stronger every day. — My mind is like water. I will change and adjust as needed. — My strength is greater than my struggle. — I don’t have to keep listening to the same words inside my head. I have the power to change them.

— Reaching out to ask for help is an act of vulnerability and courage. — Grief is not the enemy; it confirms that what I grieve mattered to me. — I release and forgive myself for my mistakes. — I am my own best advocate, and I have the strength to stand up for myself. — I grow closer to my best self every day. — I am learning valuable lessons from myself every single day. — I know and trust what I have experienced and felt. — Every time I set a boundary, I remind myself of what I’m worth. — I don’t need validation from an external source—my self-esteem comes from within. — My mind is full of bright ideas. — I have the right to communicate my feelings only to people who deserve to hear my voice. — I recognize that the behavior of those who have wronged me says more about them than it does about me. — Nothing can dim the light that shines from within. — I am at peace with who I am as a person. — I am grateful for my health, strength, and vitality. — I allow myself to be who I am without judgement. — My self-worth is not dependent on my achievements. — I have the right to say “no.” — Asking for help when I need it is not something I should be ashamed of. — Any problem in my path is an opportunity to grow. — I trust my ability to make the right decisions for me. — I put my energy into things that matter to me. — My courage is stronger than my fear. — I like the person I am becoming. — I will not punish myself for things that are outside of my control.

— It’s not selfish to have and express needs. — My emotions are important and deserve to be felt. — Boundaries are a gift to myself and those around me. — Toxic people have no place in my life. — It’s okay to admit when I need rest. — The challenges I have had to overcome have made me stronger. — I am grateful, not guilty, for the good things in my life. — I am enough. — My loved ones accept me as I am, and I in turn accept them as they are. — Fear can only have power over me if I let it. — I am worthy of love. — I am not defined by my trauma. — My mistakes make me human. — I choose to fully participate each day. — I apologize for those I have affected with my anger. — I forgive myself. — When you repeat the right things, the routine becomes the reward. — I trust my intuition. — No one else can convince you you're good enough. Only you can do that. — I have the power to let go of my bad thoughts. — I'm open to new adventures. — Negative thoughts only have as much power as I allow them to have. — I'm allowed to take time to heal. — I'm happy and content. — I will succeed today. — I learn from my mistakes. — My presence is my power.

— Every day, I'm a little bit closer to reaching my goals. — I am loved. — Happiness is within my grasp. — My health, both mental and physical, is the most important thing to me. — Every experience I have is good for my growth. — My mind is clear of self-doubt. — I trust my intuition. — Happiness is for everyone. — I deserve to feel good. — I am blessed with wonderful friends. — I will not let negativity impact me. — I am grateful for life's challenges. — I will enthusiastically try something new. — My past is not my future. — I choose to surround myself with supportive people. — I make a difference in the world simply by existing in it. — I will be myself without judgement. — I am more than my mistakes. — Embrace mess. — I believe in my abilities. — My fears do not control me. — Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. — I acknowledge my own self-worth. — I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful. — Stop telling yourself “I can't do this.” Start telling yourself “how can I do this.” — I am in charge of how I feel today.

— Celebrate every tiny victory. — Let it go. Expect miracles. Wait without anxiety. — Each day I wake up excited and ready to start the day. — I am excited about my work. — I'm willing to let go and trust myself. — commit to learning something new. — I don’t sweat the small stuff. — take a step back and look at the bigger picture. — own what makes you different. — you can't predict the future, so avoid trying to control the current. — allow yourself to be a visionary who doesn't mind being thrown off course. — take a step back and look at the bigger picture. — be open to wearing many hats. — change leads to an opportunity to grow and evolve. — explore new avenues.

— stay open to a different point of view.

— find strength in your vulnerability.

— be honest and straightforward in your communication.

— never shapeshift to garner approval.

— refine your capacity to have original thoughts.

— remain open to different perspectives.

— you already know what's good for you; start listening.

— don't settle for superficial pleasures.

— even small steps forward count as progress.

— remain open to different perspectives.

— exercise patience.