Written by: Aurora Huang

Edited by: Joey Lin

Jan. 11th, 2021

Sitting at my desk with my screen and keyboard

Dozens of thoughts flit through my head

But none of them are good enough

I force myself to pick one

And type the title

But the blank screen keeps staring at me

I type the first sentence

Then immediately delete it

It’s too simple

Too complex

Too vague

Too specific

It’s much easier

To do something else

And I still have hours

So I stop writing

A few moments later

It’s 10 o’clock

Crickets are chirping outside

I check Google Classroom

And it’s due at 12

And not 8 AM tomorrow

I go back to the document

Back to the blank screen

And force myself to start typing

I forego all quality control

All grammar-checking

All fact-checking

I panic at every internet lag

Every computer lag

Every minute is precious

At the back of my head

I wish I had thought this way

A few hours ago

At 11:50

I turn the paper in

And go to bed

I regret not writing anything earlier

I promise myself to stop procrastinating

But I suffer no repercussions

So I don’t