Private incidents

Unlike regular public incidents which are visible to everyone in your Slack workspace, private incidents restrict who can see what’s going on. We’ll create a private Slack channel, which only the reporter is invited to. The reporter can then invite specific users to the incident.

Only the reporter and invited users will be able to see the Incident Homepage.


Enabling private incidents

Turn on private incidents for your organisation from the Settings page on the web dashboard, in the section labelled “Other”.


Creating a private incident

Declare private incidents the same way you declare regular incidents, using the /incident command in Slack, or in the dashboard.

You’ll see a drop-down menu at the bottom of the dialog labelled “Who should be able to see this incident?”. To make the incident private, select “Only invited users (private)”.

If you have any custom fields, the privacy drop-down will appear underneath those.


Private incidents on the web dashboard

We don’t include private incidents in the Incidents list by default. Show them by turning on the “Show private incidents” toggle.

<aside> ℹ️ You can only see private incidents you have access to.


