Your privacy is very important to Gosio ( and the developer of Gosio, Ankit Yadav). This Privacy Policy covers how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your information. Please take a moment to get to know our practices and contact us if you have any questions.


We take privacy very seriously and never share user data with any third party. By default our apps track crash reports and analytics (Anonymously), which greatly helps to improve the apps by aiding the developer in understanding crashes and issues that occur as well as information (for example on which features are being used) to help make better development decisions and make our apps better for you. If you do not wish for us to recieve your crash reports and analytics there is an opt-out option under settings -> Privacy.

What we do Track

By default we track crash reports When your app crashes we get a report telling us why so that we can fix it. We also see if you have installed our app and what parts of our app you use the most. This allows us to create new features that will matter the most to you. If you do not wish for us to receive your crash reports and analytics there is an opt-out option under settings -> Privacy.

Note: This will effect how long it takes us to fix your specific crash or bug.

What we don't Track

We do not track your personal data, nothing you enter into our app leaves Apple's iCloud service. There is no way for us to see it. We will never be able to see your personal data. We believe that the more on-device processing, the better! By keeping your data on your device and in Apple's iCloud Servers there are far fewer security risks to it and we don't have to manage it! Everybody wins! (Except advertisers 😜)

What that means for you

No personal data is stored with us, it is ALL on your phone. You are in charge of your personal data, exactly how it should be. All of your personal information and data never leaves your device / Apple's servers and NEVER WILL. We do not sell your data (we don't even have it!) and never would. You can use our app with the peace of mind that you are in charge of your own data.

Privacy questions