Last updated: Apr 30, 2021

Neatbill is a service that is designed to help you manage subscription bills in email inboxes. So we need your authorization of Gmail. The privacy of your data — and it is your data, not ours! — is a big deal to us. In this policy, we layout: what data we collect and why; how your data is handled; and your rights to your data. We promise we never sell your data: never have, never will.

This policy applies to all products built and maintained by AltgoTech including Neatbill,, etc.

What we collect and why

Our guiding principle is to collect only what we need. Here’s what that means in practice: @

Identity & access

When you sign up with Gmail, That’s just so you can create a new account, and we can send you invoices, updates, or other essential information. We sometimes also give you the option to add a profile picture that displays in our products, but we do not normally look at or access that picture. We’ll never sell your personal info to third parties, and we won’t use your name or company in marketing statements without your permission either.

What Information We Collect

As part of our Services, we collect the following information:

How We Collect This Information

We collect information from you in several ways:

Information you provide us: When you register for the service, you provide us with basic contact information, such as name and email address. You may also provide us with information when you interact with us, such as: