Most AWS analytics services have compelling serverless offerings that make it even easier for customers to analyze vast amounts of data without having to configure, scale, or manage the underlying infrastructure.

Along with other serverless analytics, such as Amazon QuickSight for business intelligence and AWS Glue for data integration, we have introduced Amazon EMR Serverless, Amazon MSK Serverless, and Amazon Redshift Serverless this year.

Today, we announce the preview release of a new serverless option for Amazon OpenSearch Service that makes it easy for customers to run large-scale search and analytics workloads without managing clusters. It automatically provisions and scales the underlying resources to deliver fast data ingestion and query responses for even the most demanding and unpredictable workloads, eliminating the need to configure and optimize clusters.

With Amazon OpenSearch Serverless, you do not need to account for factors that are hard to know in advance, such as the frequency and complexity of queries or the volume of data expected to be analyzed. Instead of managing infrastructure, you can focus on using OpenSearch for exploring and deriving insights from your data. You can also get started using familiar APIs to load and query data and use OpenSearch Dashboards for interactive data analysis and visualization.

Configure Your OpenSearch Serverless Collection To get started with Amazon OpenSearch Serverless, you create a Collection via the AWS Management Console, AWS Command-Line Interface (AWS CLI), or AWS API.

Before the launch of OpenSearch Serverless, you created a managed cluster, specifying instance types, counts, and storage options, and then managed the lifecycle and shard strategy for indices within that cluster. With OpenSearch Serverless, you create a Collection, which manages a group of indices that work together to support a specific workload. You no longer need to specify the hardware or manage the indices directly.

To create an OpenSearch Serverless collection and secure data, set up Encryption policies to assign AWS KMS keys to one or more collections and attach Network policies to collections to control the access from specified VPCs and public IP addresses.

To create an encryption policy, choose Encryption policies in the left navigation pane and Create encryption policy. Encryption at rest secures the indices within your collection. For each collection, AWS KMS generates a unique, symmetric encryption key. Encryption policies are the optimal way to manage AWS KMS keys across multiple collections. You can define the target collection name or a prefix that automatically applies the encryption settings from this policy to the collection.

In order for users to access a collection, choose Network policies in the left navigation pane and Create network policy. Network policies determine whether your collection is accessible over the internet from public networks or whether it must be accessed through OpenSearch Serverless–managed VPC endpoints.

You can define multiple rules for each collection, either the Public or VPC, as a recommended option for the Access Type. If you select a public option, you can access the collection from OpenSearch Dashboards.

Also, you can configure access for OpenSearch Dashboards and the OpenSearch endpoint. For the Resource type, enable both Access to OpenSearch endpoints and Access to OpenSearch Dashboards. In both input boxes, select the Collection Name property and your collection name or prefix.

Finally, to create an OpenSearch Serverless collection, choose Create collection in the home page or choose Collections in the left navigation pane and choose Create collection.