DISCLAIMER: All these data are being found onchain, would suggest to wait until official statement or post to understand more. This is just a quick read beforehand.

Token: https://etherscan.io/token/0x6399c842dd2be3de30bf99bc7d1bbf6fa3650e70

Website: https://www.premia.finance/



10% PBC

18% Liquidity Mining

26% Multisig (1% unlocked from dev funds, and 25% which will go to seed the bonding curve)

12% Dev Fund 1 (for future interaction mining incentives)

24% Dev Fund 2

2.5% Vesting 1

2.5% Vesting 2

2.5% Vesting 3

2.5% Vesting 4

Assuming 28% in circulation, Liquidity Mining emission will take a while to release. The team will add liquidity on sushiswap with Dev Fund after PBC, the amount of token being seeded havent been decided but the floor price will be determine from PBC.

Primary Bootstrap Contribution (PBC)