During pre-launch, only the wallet addresses (aka public keys) in the allowlist can purchase and mint NFTs in your collection. A new allowlist is managed per collection.

How does it work?

Collectors can have one or many wallets, identified by their wallet address. During your marketing phase, identify loyal collectors and ask them for their wallet address. Commonly, creators maintain a Google Sheets of their loyal collector’s wallet addresses.

You can paste your list of wallet addresses under Collection → Smart Contract to grant these wallet addresses access to pre-launch.

When and how often can I change it?

You can update your allowlist list on Kairos as often as you want. If you’ve completed the checkout process, you may need to pay again for the additional wallets to save.

The allowlist is locked 30 minutes before your scheduled pre-launch starts. This is when it’s deployed to the blockchain; and once anything is saved to the blockchain, it’s unchangeable.

How secure is it?

Having a collectors’ wallet address doesn’t grant you access to anything in their account. It’s not sensitive information.

The allowlist itself is part of the smart contract we write for your collection. The allowlist lives on the blockchain, and can’y be changed by anyone. When a collector attempts to mint an NFT, the smart contract checks the allowlist, and decides whether to proceed. This happens on the decentralized servers of the Solana network all over the world; Kairos’ servers aren’t involved in this decision. Generally, this makes high-value purchases more secure because no one server can be a target of attack or compromise. The rules are predetermined and execute themselves.

Why are there costs involved?

Smart contracts cost money to deploy to blockchains. They increase in cost as they get larger. And each key in the allowlist increases the size of the contract. So, the more keys you add to your allowlist, the more it costs.

Fortunately Solana has cheap costs overall. The cost we charge you for the allowlist doesn’t have any markup attached to it; it’s just the raw cost charged to us.